What Technology do I Really Need to Successfully Teach an Online Class?

Hey, hey teacher! I hope summer has finally come to your corner of the world. I think I’ve already gotten more sun this year than I did in all of last year combined. The freckles are popping, and the tan lines are are awful. But, my son is sleeping like a rock which means I get more solid sleep, too. Which also means…I have more mental capacity to continue creating valuable content for you all each and every week. This week I’ve managed to batch the next month’s worth of podcast episodes, I’ve created a new free PDF download for you, and I’m busy, busy creating the video tutorials for the technology swaps you can use to improve your student engagement.

Whew, that was a lot of information for an opening paragraph, so let’s break that all down. Let’s start with that PDF download, because it leads into the podcast nicely. I have created a new PDF download outlining how to set up your online classroom for success. When I first started, my technology was not up to par, and my lessons suffered because of it. They were laggy and couldn’t keep up with the demand. So, I went on a quest to buy the best technology for my needs while also sticking to a tight budget. You can grab that PDF download right here, or click the pic below.

This is the front page of the free download!

For the next month, I will be breaking down this download in the Simple Tools for the Online Teacher podcast. This download is essentially your notes, so you can listen and absorb, without having to pause the episode or your busy lives to take notes. I even talk about my struggles from the early days and what I’ve learned since then. You can preview a snippet of the episode below!

Interested in the entire episode? You can give it a listen here, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Don’t forget to keep an ear out for my video tutorials of each edtech resource swap to help improve your in person and online student engagement. We just finished a podcast series on this, so the video tutorial is for all you visual learners, like myself. My email list will get first dibs on the limited spots, so make sure you don’t miss out! You can make sure you’re on the list by clicking here.

That’s all for today, teacher friend! I hope you’re having a wonderful summer! Chat soon!

2 thoughts on “What Technology do I Really Need to Successfully Teach an Online Class?”

  1. Pingback: 4 Best Background Options for an Online Classroom - Online Teacher Allyson

  2. Pingback: What Gadgets Do I Really Need to Teach Online? - Online Teacher Allyson

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